Sicil Vending chooses fittings for a sustainable break area

Vending and coffee corner cladding for Sicil Vending

The coffee break becomes more beautiful and sustainable than ever

Vending in Syracuse

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Sicil Vending
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Sicil Vending is a leading vending company in Sicily and Calabria. To improve its offer, it asked us to develop a line of customised vending solutions. We produced customised vending machine covers with graphics and company branding: the system is capable of collecting several machines, as well as a sorter for waste collection. Abbiamo proposto anche sgabelli e sedute in cartone per l’area break, rifiniti con cuscini in cotone e ripiani in vetro. Finally, a cardboard coffee corner from the Gleno line was proposed, a piece of furniture ideal for and the o.c.s. because it is extremely compact and functional: equipped with low-consumption LED spotlights, compartments for organising stock and specific flaps for waste collection.

Natural material

Cardboard furniture is 100% recyclable


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