Customised cardboard logo for Facom Srl

Customised cardboard logo for Facom

A tailor-made project to enhance the corporate brand using recyclable materials

Bespoke display stand in Ancona

Facom Srl FACOM is a company of excellence, specialising in automatic turning, mould making and moulding and has always collaborated with the best companies in the footwear, hydraulic, electrical and electronics sectors. It is also very aware of sustainability and over the years has converted its production to the lowest possible energy consumption and environmental impact. Solar panels have been installed on its premises to cover around 30% of its energy needs, and it applies virtuous recycling practices to recover processing waste. It is therefore no coincidence that FACOM decided to contact NaturDesign to create cardboard logos to be used in the context of a branding campaign. Our architects derived a 3D render from the logo graphics and thus created a bespoke design that recreated the FACOM brand through a series of triple-wave cardboard layers. A concrete way of promoting corporate communication, using only 100% recyclable materials. An excellent solution that is also suitable for shops, offices or professional studios.


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    Natural material

    Cardboard furniture is 100% recyclable


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