Eco-friendly vending machines wrap for BSN Group

Personalized and eco-friendly vending coating by BSN Group

A tailor-made project for the vending machines of an influential Belluno company

Vending in Feltre (Belluno)

Logo Vitec Group
Vitec Group
Equipment for photography professionals

BSN Group is a service company specialized in automatic catering and contacted us to create a tailor-made project that would customize the appearance of its vending distributors. The client was Vitec Imaging Solutions, a giant in the production of equipment for photography professionals that also includes the famous Manfrotto brand. An innovative and international company that for the break area of its offices wanted a functional, aesthetically pleasing set-up in line with the group’s branding.

Our proposal was to use a large built-in structure to incorporate all the coffee and snack vending machines within a single harmonious and orderly set-up. For the graphic customisation, all surfaces were printed with the company colour, combined with the logo well emphasised on the fronts and sides of the wrap. The chosen model was the Payer 03, specially for some of its popular features: the outer surfaces are treated to be water-repellent and washable, the upper panels are replaceable (in the event of new communication needs) and also designed to slide in height (thus simplifying the positioning of the dispensers).

Let’s close with a little curiosity: Vitec Imaging Solutions promotes a healthy lifestyle for its employees and in this perspective the distributors of the BSN Group generate reimbursements for workers who adopt a healthy diet by choosing healthy products, such as a fruit.

Natural material

Cardboard furniture is 100% recyclable


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